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Saturday 30 December 2006


Can you believe it? My new year is completely ruined! The Starbucks at Sainsbury's in Dog Kennel hill is closing for six months from the 6th of January for refurbishment! I am beside myself with sadness. From now on, supermarket shopping will only take place on the Internet. No illicit trips out of the house until mid-June, their coffee is as crucial to me as the very air I breathe!

I have received a number of marvellous Starbucks gift card thingies for Christmas, now how shall I spend them? Nothing else provides me with such an amazing calming 'hit'.

I shall have to take up smoking marijuana for the short term.

It is almost impossible to find parking near 'Blue Mountain' on Northcross Road. Nespresso at home is rather nice, but it is just not the same if you have to make it for yourself. Bah bloomin humbug................

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