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Saturday 2 February 2008

For Brenda...

The link to this blog post is for Brenda (my mother) - who doesn't have a computer, and if she did, she would not read it anyway. She would not listen if I read it to her...

Does being a devout Roman Catholic mean that she is automatically incapable of common sense?


Potty Mummy said...

Thankfully I don't think there are that many 'devout' Roman Catholics left, are there? I say this as a person who does still go to church - but takes the whole shebang with a bucket load of salt. As does anyone with a modicum of intelligence.

And don't ask me why I still go. My kids aren't even in a Catholic primary, so I don't really know why myself... Well, I have reasons; just none that would stand up to too much scrutiny!

dulwichmum said...

Darling sweet Potty Mummy,

I believe that what you are describing is the "ritual" of going to RC Church... I am happy to see that you feel just as guilty as I do and turn up every Sunday despite the bad press... I don't trust them enough to let them near my children - OHMYGOD NO!!!

Do they think we are insane?

Potty Mummy said...

Not insane DM - just Catholic. Oh they clearly did their job well with us, don't you agree?

Now, just to take your mind off everything else, I have yet another award to pass on - and as it's black and white I'm sure you'll love it.

Expat mum said...

Hi fellow awardees. (I love saying that.) As a lapsed Catholic, I always think I have managed to escape the guilt, until my daughter, (who has never been taken to church on a regular basis) says she loves sitting in churches! Gulp! She'll probably join an order to make me pay even more!

Anonymous said...

Hi folks. I'm delighted that my post has prompted an interesting discussion on devotion and guilt. I don't feel either.

I'm just saddened that an organisation with a stated mission for love and caring could attract, retain and defend so many evil people.

Incidentally, I still enjoy attending church 'cos it takes me back to a time when I was with my parents secure in the knowledge that they loved me and that all grown-ups cared about us children.


Nunhead Mum of One said...

The last time I was in a Catholic church was at a funeral when the incense holder in front of our pew was lit. I sneezed my way through the entire service and I'm sure the priest wanted to ex-communicate me at the end.

aims said...

Apparently there is more than one issue being discussed here. Mothers are amazing. Mine has been gone for four years now and I still hear her every day telling me to get to work!

Having been raised Baptist (I won't even go into it) I really can't comment on the RC thing.

Omega Mum said...

No it doesn't, but it's often a really good start.