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Tuesday 5 December 2006

School Reference

One of the 'Uber Mums' with a daughter who secured a place at one of most the prestigious schools last year, has been badgering me to ensure that I buy an appropriately ostentatious gift for both Freya's teacher and head teacher this Christmas, in order to ensure that she gets a good reference from the nursery.

I think Nathalie has lost the plot. Freya has good time-keeping (thanks to myself,James and the Au Pair) is never off sick (thank God) hasn't incited violence in class and is usually obedient and well mannered (apart from the incident involving the soap dispenser) - as are all of the other little girls in her nursery class. What can possibly be said in a reference about my baby to enhance her chances? I can't see it myself - that buying people large gifts will alter their perceptions of our family. These teachers have more integrity than that. James and I agreed just to be ourselves,..... and then I got thinking:

'Why not? Surely it is worth a try?'

What do you possibly buy the teacher who has everything? If we give her chocolate - it looks like a blatant bribe, and also - thoughtless as though we care not for her health or fitness regime. If we give her wine - it looks like we are a pair of wino's. I have a plan...

I have bought them both a goat (each - obviously), through Christian Aid in Uganda! (If you ask me the further away the better - have you seen how much topiary bay trees cost? Goats eat anything!) Now we look wholesome and caring. A good family all round! Hurrah.

Image is everything, don't you agree?

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