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Monday 19 February 2007


Freya has been sending shivers down my spine – ever since we accepted a place for her at School 2. The darling tot has been telling anyone who will listen – that she is;

‘not ever going to that school – never ever’.

I really hate conflict. I cannot bear to think about the horrors that could await us at the school gate in September. If I cannot sort out this current line of intimidation, all of our futures will be blighted.

‘Aunt Liza’ and I met in Sloane Square on Saturday morning, for some window shopping and coffee, and the darling baby girl joined us – as part of her essential social development. Freya loves the hot chocolate in Patisserie Valerie, and the marzipan animals always bring a smile to her face (she collects them as she hates the taste of marzipan).

After coffee, we skipped into Trotters to have Freya's fringe trimmed and to take a look at the wonderful fish tank. Freya played for a few minutes outside The Early Learning Centre – chasing the bubbles streaming from their bubble machine as though she hadn't a care in the world. Before she could object, we were in the uniform outfitters at Peter Jones, inspecting the intended school wardrobe for September.

Freya insisted:

‘I am not going to (School 2)’- loudly.

The patient experienced shop assistant said that she would just;

‘nip into the stock room to see if she had any of the big girl sweatshirts,’ for Freya to see.

She soon reappeared with an enormous red sweatshirt with the name of School 2 emblazoned on the front. Freya reluctantly tried it on, - she looked like a tiny orphan in an over sized outfit, but refused to take it off and danced around the shop. Freya didn’t take it off for the rest of the weekend, and even insisted that we bought her matching Clarins red nail polish - ouch! (thanks Aunt Liza).

We did not give in to her request for a pair of tomato red velvet boots to match from Emma Hope – I must commend Freya's taste in footwear however, credit where it is due.

Dare I say it? I think we have turned a corner. All is well. Equilibrium has returned……… for the time being anyhow.


Anonymous said...

A clever shop assistant indeed (bet she has a much more upmarket title than that though!)
Oh how we have to adopt all those bribery, cadjoling lines of attack that we swore (baby less) that we would never do.
Hey ho!

dulwichmum said...

Dear Anonymous,

I know, all my ideals have gone out the window! Do you think that the wonderful sales lady was called a 'merchandising operative' or a 'sales engineer'?